We are all in this together!
Here, at Local’s Lore we have always felt the most moved when seeing you guys shaping into a community of like-minded travelers. Every time you download our APP, create a city guide, share your hidden spots with your loved ones or use the hashtag #localslore, our hearts beat faster. Under the current circumstances, us, as a community should take care of each other. Let's cherish our memories of traveling for now, slow down and realise the joy of remembering the past explorations. You can organize your photos on your phone, fill up your maps with your kindest places and keep it for the future. Despite this current situation in the travel industry, we’ve decided to keep inspiring you and spread some love and light during these times via Instagram and our lore section. There will be time after the COVID-19, when we will be able (and thrilled) to explore places again. We’ll keep sharing local hotspots in order to inspire you but more importantly to keep supporting small businesses. Staying in and slowing down allows us for a more conscious travel planning and leaning towards to a more conscious lifestyle. It’s also very important not to give up your hopes and dreams to see the world and reunite with your soulmates all over the globe soon. Either it means being up in the sky again seeking for new adventures or actually deciding on taking the train instead when applicable in order to reduce your ecological footprint. We encourage you to stay in, reflect, help the ones in need and take a conscious approach when it comes to traveling in the future. We’re sharing three keywords we shall all keep in mind.

Madrid's Coolest Hotel: CoolRooms
When was the last time you had THE hotel experience? Something calming but mind-blowing at the same time? When the bed felt like you never want to leave, the furnishing of the room that you’d like to move in as it’s so your taste and the showers were like waterfall on your shoulders after a hot day? Well, welcome at COOLROOMS Atocha, you’ve arrived. With its 35 rooms, the hotels feels both exclusive but at the same time home away from home. COOLROOMS Atocha is a new concept of luxury hotel with its spacious rooms in a renovated building from 1852 in the heart of the Barrio de Las Letras in Madrid. COOLROOMS Atocha is an accommodation with soul, capable of uniting the comfortable with the stimulating. In other words: the hotel that Madrid lacked.